College English III
课程编码:08A09030 学分:3.0 课程类别: 通识必修课
计划学时:48 其中讲课:48 实验或实践:0 上机:0
1.Susan Stempleski、杨惠中主编:《视听说教程》3 ,上海外语教育出版社,2012年
2.Leo Jones主编:《大学英语基础口语教程》, 上海外语教育出版社,2012年
4.Susan Stempleski、杨惠中主编:《视听说教程》3教师用书,上海外语教育出版社,2008年
7.郑树堂主编:《新视野大学英语》读写教程3 教师用书,外语教学与研究出版社,2008年
(1) 听力理解能力:能听懂英语讲课及简短对话和谈话,抓住中心大意、要点和有关细节,领会讲话者的观点和态度。
(2) 口语表达能力:能进行简单的日常会话,能就教材内容作简短问答和复述,能就熟悉的话题作简短的发言,表达意思基本清楚。
(3) 阅读理解能力:能读懂语言难度中等的一般性题材的文章,能基本读懂国内英文报刊,掌握中心意思,理解主要事实和有关细节掌握基本的阅读技能,阅读速度达到每分钟70词。
(4) 书面表达能力:能在阅读难度与课文相仿的书面材料时做笔记、回答问题和写提纲,能就一定的话题或提纲在半小时内写出 100—120词的短文。表达意思清楚,无重大语言错误。
(5) 翻译能力:能借助词典对题材熟悉的文章进行英汉互译,英译汉译速为每小时300个英语单词,汉译英译速为每小时250个汉字。 译文基本流畅,能在翻译时使用适当的翻译技巧。
(6) 词汇量要求:学生掌握的总词汇量应达到3500个单词和500个词组,其中1800个单词为积极词汇,达到能确切运用。
Unit One 建议学时:8
1. Improving students’ listening and speaking skills
2. Providing some relevant background information to broaden students’s horizon
3. Helping students have a good command of complicated language points
4. Assessing students’ academic performance timely in a scientific way
1. Key words and expressions
2. The difficult grammatical points of“no matter(how, who, what, where, etc.)”and“just as”
3. The writing pattern of“problem-response-evaluation”
4.The reading skill of“scanning”
[授 课 方 法] 以课堂讲授为主,课堂讨论和课下自学为辅。课堂讲授以讲授精读为主,听力和会话为辅。所采用的教学法大致有功能法、结构法、语法—翻译法、交际法、情景法等。
[授 课 内 容]
Periods 1&2
1. A short summary of the previous term and thearrangement for the new term
2. Oral English practices: class report/pair work/role play
3 . Listening and speaking:
Unit One: Let’s Go Somewhere
Lesson A: Before you go
4. Pre-reading activities of Section A in Unit One: Love Without Limitations
1) New words and expressions
2) A brief introduction to relevant background information
Periods 3&4
1. Oral English practices: class report/pair work/role play
2. Text analyzation of Section A:Love Without Limitations
1)Part division of the text
3)Writing styles and devices
Periods 5&6
2. Exercises of Section ALove Without Limitations
3. Listening and speaking
Lesson B: Travel
Periods 7&8
2. The reading skill on“scanning”
3. Words and expressions of the text in Section B of Unit One:The Framework for Love
4. Text analyzation of Section B:The Framework for Love
5.The exercises in Sectiong B
Unit Two 建议学时:8
2. The difficult grammatical points of“appositvie”and“absolute structure”
3. The writing pattern of“cause-and-effect”
4.The reading skill of“facts or opinions”
2. Listening and speaking:
Unit Two: Indoors and Outdoors
Lesson A: At home
3. Pre-reading activities of Section A in Unit Two: Iron and the Effects of Exercise
2. Text analyzation of Section A:Iron and the Effects of Exercise
2. Exercises of Section A:Iron and the Effects of Exercise
Unit Two:Indoors and Outdoors
Lesson B: Places and rules
2.The reading skill on“facts or opinion”
3. Words and expressions of the text in Section B of Unit Two:Does Exercises Have Unexpected Benefits?
4. Text analyzation of Section B:Does Exercises Have Unexpected Benefits?
Unit Three 建议学时:8
2. The difficult grammatical points of“as”and“suffix -ic”
3. The writing pattern of“a general statement supported by example”
4.The reading skill of“making predictions”
Unit Three: Life Is All About Change
Lesson A: The times of your life
3. Pre-reading activities of Section A in Unit Three: Where Principles Come First
2. Text analyzation of Section A: Where Principles Come First
2. Exercises of Section A:Where Principles Come First
Lesson B: In the future
2. The reading skill on“facts or opinion”
3. Words and expressions of the text in Section B of Unit Three: Cultural Differences in Western and Japanese Decision-making
4. Text analyzation of Section B:Cultural Differences in Western and Japanese Decision-making
Unit Four 建议学时:8
2. The difficult grammatical points of“prefix co-”and“conjunction+prepositional phrase”
3. The writing pattern of“time sequence”
4.The reading skill of“appreciating figurative language”
Unit Four: Health
Lesson A: How do you feel?
3. Pre-reading activities of Section A in Unit Four: Five Famous Symbols of American Culture
2. Text analyzation of Section A: Five Famous Symbols of American Culture
2. Exercises of Section A:Five Famous Symbols of American Culture
Lesson B: Getting better
2. The reading skill on“appreciating figurative language”
3. Words and expressions of the text in Section B of Unit Four: Engelbreit’s the Name, Cute Is My Name
4. Text analyzation of Section B:Engelbreit’s the Name, Cute Is My Name
Unit Five 建议学时:8
2. The difficult grammatical points of“not until”and“a present particile used as adverbial”
3. The writing pattern of“the dominant impression supported by details”
4.The reading skill of“understanding idiomatic expressions”
Unit Five: Student Life
Lesson A: Starting out
3. Pre-reading activities of Section A in Unit Five: Graceful Hands
2. Text analyzation of Section A: Graceful Hands
2. Exercises of Section A:Graceful Hands
Lesson B: After graduation
2. The reading skill on“understanding idiomatic expressions”
3. Words and expressions of the text in Section B of Unit Five:Decisions of the Heart
4. Text analyzation of Section B:Decisions of the Heart
Unit Six 建议学时:8
2. The difficult grammatical points of“so that”and“attribute clause”
3. The writing pattern of“a general statement supported by details”
4.The reading skill of“skimming”
Unit Six: Telecommunications
Lesson A: Telephoning
3. Pre-reading activities of Section A in Unit Six: How to Prepare for Earthquakes
2. Text analyzation of Section A: How to Prepare for Earthquakes
2. Exercises of Section A:How to Prepare for Earthquakes
Lesson B: Crazy for cell phones
2. The reading skill on“skimming”
3. Words and expressions of the text in Section B of Unit Six:Changes in the Balance of Nature
4. Text analyzation of Section B: Changes in the Balance of Nature
撰稿人:张丹丹 审核人:梁爱民
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