Specialized Foreign Language
课程编码:23A00002 学分:3 课程类别: 专业基础课
计划学时: 48 其中讲课:48 实验或实践: 0 上机:0
推荐教材:邱培兵、黄日涵主编:《国际关系专业英语——Selected Readings in International Relations》,天津人民出版社,2013年
参考书目:Robert J.Art, Robert Jervis, eds.International Politics: Enduring Concepts and Contemporary Issues,北京大学出版社,2005年
第一章 历史全景 A Historical Perspective 建议学时:16
[教学目的与要求] 促进学生对国关史、世界史的了解,培养学生广开的历史视野,以此为基础提高分析当代国际议题的能力。
[教学重点与难点] 在分析问题时如何将历史和理论结合
[授 课 方 法] 以学生课堂阅读翻译为主,课堂讨论和课下自学为辅
[授 课 内 容]
History and the Theorist
一、Why should the theorist study history?
二、Is theory supposed to reflect reality as accurate as possible?
三、What should we focus on in assessing a theory of international relations?
四、How do you bring theory and history together in getting a handle on a problem?
第二节World History: A New Perspective
一、What's the author’s approach to world history?
二、What are the common themes around which history should be constructed?
三、What are the underlying threads that run through the narrative of this book?
四、How does the author place Europe within world history?
第三节World Civilization to 2000 & the Great-Power System,1500-2000
一、World civilizations to 2000
二、The great-power system, 1500-2000
三、When did the great-power system become globalized?
第四节The Rise and Fall of the Great Powers
一、How did military conflict and economic change relate to the rise and fall of the Great Powers?
二、Why do the relative strengths of leading nations in world affairs never remain constant?
三、According to the author, why was Europe “destined” to rise above all other regions of the world?
四、Why wasn’t the transition to a bipolar world in the 20th century a smooth one?
五、On what basis does the author argue that economically there already exists a multipolar world in the last few decades of the 20th century?
第二章 理论精选The Classical Expositions 建议学时:16
[教学目的与要求] 让学生了解并掌握国际政治的基本理论,熟练地运用各种理论于实际
[教学重点与难点] 对国际政治理论的理解和把握,对各种理论加以比较和分析
[授 课 方 法] 课堂讲授为主,课上讨论和课下自学为辅
International Relations: One World, Many Theories
一、Why should policymakers and practitioners care about the scholarly study of international affairs?
二、 What are the 3 traditions of the study of international relations and their respective focuses?
三、How has the scholarship on international relations changed since the end of Cold War?
四、In what ways does the contemporary scholarship on international relations converge?
五、What does the author advice with regard to the many contending theories?
第二节A Realist Theory of International Politics
一、For realism, what does theory consist in when a certain foreign policy is being analyzed?
二、Why is the concept of interest defined in terms of power particularly important for realism?
三、What is normative element of realism?
四、Why does the realist defend the autonomy of the political sphere?
第三节Liberalism and World Politics
一、What are the 2 legacies of modern liberalism that affect both pacifistic and imperialistic liberal states?
二、What are the 3 definitive articles of peace in Kant’sPerpetual Peace?
三、What are the sources of the 3 definitive articles of peace according to Kant?
四、How Does Kant explain that liberal states are not pacific in their relations with non-liberal states?
第四节Maintenance of Order in World Politics
一、What is the starting point for the maintenance of order in international society?
二、What are the 3 core complexes of rules that help maintain international order?
三、How do states carry out their functions in term of rules-related tasks?
四、What does the author mean by“institutions”and what are their purposes?
第三章 当代风云 The Contemporary Scene 建议学时:16
[教学重点与难点] 当今国际政治中客观现实和发展趋势
[授 课 方 法] 课堂教授为主,课堂讨论和课下讨论为辅
第一节Exploring 21st Century World Politics
一、The investigative challenge
二、What are the system’s basic units?
三、The predominant foreign policy goals that these units seek
四、What can these units do to one another with their military and economic capabilities?
五、Facing the future:some key questions to consider
第二节Economic Globalization & National Sovereignty
一、What are the main‘loss of sovereignty’ arguments referred to in this text?
二、How does Krasner argue against the‘loss of sovereignty’ thesis?
三、What are the distinct features of the modern conception of sovereignty?
四、How do the notions of state authority and state control differ from each other?
五、What is the author’s conclusion on the debate about globalization’s effects on sovereignty?
第三节Globalization and the Global Environment
一、The two broad views on the effects of globalization on environment
二、The agreements and differences between market liberals and institutionalists
三、The main focus of social greens
第四节China_U.S. Relations and the Future of the International System
一、The attitude of China towards Sino-US relations in the author’s opinion
二、The attitude of the US towards Sino-US relations in the author’s opinion
三、How did China’s approach towards the US differ for that of the USSR?
四、What are the two developments in the beginning years of the 21st century that might suggest a major change in Sino-US relations?
五、In what issue areas will there be growing conflicts between China and the US?
撰稿人:刘凤环 审核人:李霞
下一:国际政治专业培养方案及教学大纲(课程教学大纲请点击课程名称获取 2014版)