Specialized Foreign English (Public Administration)
课程编码:23A00002 学分:3.0 课程类别:专业基础课
计划学时:48 其中讲课:48 实验或实践:0 上机:0
1.Herbert A. Simon:《The Proverbs of Administration》,Public Administration Review,1946年
2.Owen E. Hughes:《Public Management and Administration: An Introduction》,中国人民大学出版社,2004年
第一章Lesson1 Introduction 建议学时:2
[教学目的与要求] 通过本单元的学习,使了解本门课程的教学目标、教学要求、课程定位以及教学进程安排,并补充一定量关于基础英文知识、专业文献查阅方面知识。
[教学重点与难点] 课程学习的基本要求与外文文献的查阅方法
[授 课 方 法]以课堂讲授为主,课堂讨论和课下自学为辅。
[授 课 内 容]
第一节 课程内容简介
七、Content (each class)
第二节 专业外语学习能力提升
三、Enlarge yourvocabulary by some rules
第二章Lesson 2 Reinventing government 建议学时:14
[教学重点与难点] 专业词汇与文章的阅读、翻译。
[授 课 方 法]以课堂讲授为主,课堂讨论和课下自学为辅。(其它说明:学生提前预习,学习本课的单词)
第一节 How to write an abstract?
第二节 Paper reading and translation
I Introduction of the authors
1.David Osborne
2.Ted Gaebler
II Outline of this paper
1. Introduction: Background and necessity
1.1 Ineffective and Sluggish centralized government
1.2 Great changes of other organizations, such as American corporations
1.3 Failure of the traditional two ways and waste in government
1.4 Opinion: to established a entrepreneurial government
2. Ten principles ofEntrepreneurial Government
2.1 Catalytic government: steering rather than rowing
2.2 Community-owned government: empowering rather than serving
2.3 Competitive government: injecting competition into service delivery
2.4 Mission-driven government: transforming rule driven organizations
2.5 Results-oriented government: funding outcomes not inputs
2.6 Customer-driven government: meeting the needs of the customer, not the bureaucracy
2.7 Enterprising government: earning rather than spending
2.8 Anticipatory government: prevention rather than cure
2.9 Decentralized government: from hierarchy to participation and teamwork
2.10 Market-oriented government: leveraging change through the market
3. Conclusion: Putting it all together
第三节 English listening
第三章Lesson 3Toward a New Public Administration 建议学时:16
[教学目的与要求] 通过本单元的学习,使学生掌握一定的专业词汇,能够理解该篇文章内涵,并能够独立撰写英文摘要。
[授 课 方 法] 以课堂讲授为主,课堂讨论和课下自学为辅。(其它说明:学生提前预习,学习本课的单词)
第一节 Enlarge vocabulary or class report
I Introduction of the author:H. George Frederickson
ⅡOutline of this paper
1.1 Research purposes of this paper:three objectives
1.2 The necessity of new Public Administration Studies
1.2.1 Social background: a period during which political responsiveness is to be purchased at a cost in administrative efficiency.
1.2.2 Theoretical background: Both the dichotomous and trichotomous value models can not interpret the current changes of public administration.
2.What is New Public Administration?
2.1 Different goals and basic principle between Public Administration and New Public Administration
2.1.1 Public Administration: Better(more efficient or economical) management
2.1.2 New Public Administration: Better management plus social equity
2.2 Characteristics of the New Public Administration with a fundamental commitment to social equity
①Re-explanation of policies—administration
②Reforming orientation
③Modified bureaucratic-organizational forms
④New conceptions of social equity
⑤ A strong administrative or executive government
⑥ Refocus on problem
⑦ A generalizable body of organization theory
⑧ Second-generation behavioralism
3. Organization theory of the New Public Administration
*It argued that there are four basic processes at work in public organizations as follows.
3.1 The Distributive Process
3.2 The Integrative Process
3.2.1 the content and methods of the integrative process
3.2.2 Problems and Counter-measures
3.3 The Boundary-Exchange Process
3.3.1 Definition
3.3.2 Characteristics of BEP based on NPA
3.4 The Socioemotional Process
4. Conclusion
4.1 The likely results for a practicing new public administration
4.2 Changes of organization theory influenced by new Public Administration
4.3 Changes of academic environment influenced by new Public Administration
Ⅲ Translation
第四章Lesson 4Notes on the Theory of Organization 建议学时:14
Ⅰ Introduction of the author
1. The necessity of work division
2. The Division of Work
2.1 Why divide Work?
2.2 The Limits of Division
2.3 The right relation between the Whole and the Parts
3. The Co-ordination of Work
3.1 Introduction of coordination of work
3.1.1 two primary ways (principles);
3.1.2 limiting factors (size; time; habit);
3.2 Five key points of coordination of work
3.2.1 Co-ordination through Organization
3.2.2 The Span of Control;
3.2.3 One master;
3.2.4 Technical Efficiency;
3.2.5 Caveamus Expertum;(dangers of experts)
4. Organization Patterns
4.1 Organization Up or Down?
4.2 Major duites of the Executive:POSDCORB
第五章 复习与总结 建议学时:2
[教学目的与要求] 通过本单元的学习,使学生系统梳理、复习本学期所学知识。
[授 课 方 法]以课堂讲授为主。
撰稿人:胡艳蕾 审核人:高海虹
下一:行政管理专业培养方案及教学大纲(课程教学大纲请点击课程名称获取 2014版)